If you have been reading the papers or listening to the news in the last 24hrs it would seem that Aspirin is in fact a wonder drug. So what is creating this health storm?
The publication of a collection of three papers (two published in The Lancet and one in The Lancet Oncology) add to the [...]
Author Archives: Healthyhilary
Aspirin and cancer
Posted on May 20, 2014 by Healthyhilary
This post was posted in Uncategorized
Could chocolate actually improve your health?
Posted on December 16, 2011 by Healthyhilary
Mounting research on the health benefits of cocoa suggests that this culinary luxury could become a dietary staple. Sadly the health properties of cocoa do not span across all its products, certainly not all chocolate products can be presumed to be healthy. Large amounts of sugar and saturated fat are used to make the chocolate [...]
This post was posted in Uncategorized
Could Co Enzyme Q10 boost fertility?
Posted on December 1, 2011 by Healthyhilary
In September 2011 new research was published by the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation shedding further praise on CoEnzyme Q10 for its part in improving male sub-fertility. This essential, ubiquitous nutrient, also aptly known as ubiquinone, plays a central role in many of the body systems. It is found in the ‘engine room’, the [...]
This post was posted in Uncategorized, Fertility
Eating Disorders and Fertility
Posted on October 10, 2011 by Healthyhilary
Eating disorders and infertility are arguably two of the most prominent challenges to the health of the 21st century female and increasingly, 21st century male. Both are a complex weave of a mind and body out of balance and often found to be inextricably linked.
As far back as the early 20th century ‘under-nutrition’ has been [...]
This post was posted in Eating Disorders, Fertility
Can B vitamins improve your memory?
Posted on October 10, 2011 by Healthyhilary
Results from a comprehensive double-blind* clinical study on the effect of B vitamins on mild cognitive impairment (MCI) gained media focus last week. The study concluded that those with MCI experienced clinically significant improvements after taking B Vitamins.
MCI was defined by the following criteria:
1. Objective memory impairment for age
2. Largely preserved general cognition
3. Essentially normal activities of daily [...]
This post was posted in Mind
Prepare your defenses for winter
Posted on October 10, 2011 by Healthyhilary
If you are fit and your immune system is in the peak of health, you can often fight off these infectious without developing sniffles, coughs, sneezes or sore throats. It is usually when you are stressed, lacking in nutrients or feeling tired and run down that symptoms tend to strike and never more so than [...]
This post was posted in General Health
The truth about CoEnzyme10 and Statins
Posted on October 10, 2011 by Healthyhilary
Hands up those of you that have not only heard of statin drugs but are also taking them? Now hands up those of you that know of but are also taking the vitamin CoEnzyme Q10? Well for those of you who raised your hand to the former but not to the latter, you need [...]
This post was posted in Healthy Heart
Natural approaches to IBS
Posted on October 10, 2011 by Healthyhilary
Statistics tell us that at least a third of us are affected by by Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) at some time during our life.
IBS is often called 'a functional disorder' of the bowel; in other words, a disturbance in bowel function without any change in structure or obvious cause and when diagnostic tests such as [...]
This post was posted in General Health
Posted on September 29, 2011 by Healthyhilary
Every day our body is experiencing the cycle of natural ‘wear and tear’. Cells and tissue are being broken down and regenerated all the time. Bone is re-absorbed into the body and then renewed, cartilage in joints experiences are worn and then repaired, membranes of nerve and other cells are broken down and replaced. This [...]
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Reducing stress during and after pregnancy can have a direct effect on your children.
Posted on August 8, 2011 by Healthyhilary
Women who are stressed while pregnant are more ‘liable to have hyperactive children’ according to research.
Until recently it has been thought that genetics have played the primary influential factor in the development of ADHD but more recent research suggests that antenatal anxiety could contribute to 15% of cases of the behavioural condition. In these cases [...]
This post was posted in General Health