Most educated people know that calcium is important for building strong bones, a message touted by the dairy industry for years to encourage milk consumption. But did you know there is little evidence, if any, to show that drinking cow’s milk can actually influence bone health? It’s true. Countries where dairy consumption is highest also suffer the highest rates in hip fractures and osteoporosis. A new study published in the British Medical Journal found that people who consumed the highest amounts of calcium, up to almost 1,200 milligrams per day in some cases, did not have a reduction in bone fractures or osteoporosis. Although calcium is important, it is not the only important component for strong bones. Calcium’s role is to build hard bones, but vitamins C and D are necessary to support the bones. Vitamin C is responsible for building the bone matrix and offering structural protection. Vitamin D serves to regulate calcium absorption. Therefore, one nutrient without the other is subject to complications, such as osteoporosis.